UG BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)


B.A.M.S Course intake capacity

Course : B.A.M.S.

Intake capacity : 60 Seats

B.A.M.S (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) DEGREE COURSE :

The B.A.M.S. degree course is of 5 years and 6 months duration. The course is divided in to two parts.

  • Main course of 4 years and 6 months.
  • Clinical course/internship of 1 year.

The main course is partitioned in to 3 phases. Each phases is 1 year 6 months duration.


Admission Contact Number - 08338-200247, 9731604049, 9844796779

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine And Surgery (BAMS) programme :-

The Bachelor of Ayurvedaeducation namely, the Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) shall produceGraduates, having profound knowledge of Ashtanga Ayurveda along with the contemporaryadvances in the field of Ayurveda supplemented with knowledge of scientific and technologicaladvances in modern science and technology along with extensive practical training, as an efficientphysicians and surgeons for the health care services.

Ashtanga Ayurveda -

Ashtanga Ayurveda means eight clinical specialties of ayurveda viz., Kayachikitsa (General/Internal Medicine), Shalya Tantra (Surgery), Shalakya Tantra(Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Oro-Dentistry), Kaumarabhritya (Obstetrics andPaediatrics), Agada Tantra (Clinical Toxicology), Bhuta Vidya (Clinical Microbiology, ClinicalPsychology and Psychiatry), Rasayana (Preventive, Promotive, Rejuvenative Medicine andGerentology) and Vajikarana (Reproductive Medicine and Epigenetics).

All the eight specialties referred to in clause (a) were developed to deal all sort of clinical problems of respective specialty i.e., in general their etiopathogenesis including clinicalanatomy, physiology; causative factors in terms of physical, psychological, external (injury,microbes, natural calamities etc.), dietic factors, faulty lifestyles, genetic causes (congenital,hereditary) etc.; clinical manifestation, examination/analysis of biological fluids / secretions/excretions; various diagnostic tools including scopy (naadiyantra), diagnostic criteria,prognostication, principles of management in terms preventive, promotive, curative, palliativeand rehabilitative management including surgical; pharmaco-therapeutics as well aspharmaceutics of related drugs and formulations, relevant therapeutic procedures includingphysiotherapy techniques such as bandhana, vesthana etc., their methods of administration,complications and management, diet and lifestyleregimen; methods of assessment ofimprovement/cure, causes of recurrence etc. in relation to that particular clinical condition.

The specialties referred to in clause (a) also deals with instruments/equipment that are requiredfor administration of various therapeutic procedures/surgeries and other procedures, theirmethods of usage and maintenance. Hospital architecture, landscaping, air-conditioning and human resource management, qualities of nursing staff including ideal patient qualities.

Student selection process for medical education, methods of study of medical science,teaching methods including training of clinical skills on models, code of conduct for students,medical practitioners as well as teachers, student assessment methods, award of degrees, oath administration, medical registration etc.

Degree to be awarded -

The candidate shall be awarded Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of AyurvedicMedicine and Surgery-B.A.M.S) Degree after passing all the examinations and completion of thelaid down programme of study extending over the laid down period and the compulsory rotatoryinternship extending over twelve months and the nomenclature of degree shall be Ayurvedacharya (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery -B.A.M.S).

Medium of instruction.-

The medium of instruction for the programme shall be Sanskrit or Hindi or any recognised regional language or English

Provided that in case, if any institute is admitting students from different states or international students, the medium of instruction shall be English.

Pattern of study -

The B.A.M.S. Programme shall consist of Main Programme and Electivesand the pattern of study shall be followed in the following manner, namely :-

1. After admission, the student shall be inducted to the B.A.M.S. Programme through an Induction Programme not less than fifteen working days based on the TransitionalCurriculum which intends to introduce newly admitted student to Ayurveda system ofmedicine and to make him well aware of the B.A.M.S. Programme he is going to studyfor next four and a half years.

2. During the induction programme, the student of Ayurveda shall learn basic of Sanskritfor Ayurveda and basic life support and first aid along with other subject as laid down inthe syllabus.

3. There shall be fifteen days induction programme which shall be not less than ninetyhours and every day may consist of six hours.

4. Total working days for each professional session shall be not less than three hundred andtwenty days.

5. Total working days for the First Professional session shall be not less than threehundred and five days except for fifteen days for the induction programme.

6. total teaching hours for First Professional session shall not be less than 1920.

7. Total teaching hours for Second Professional session shall be not less than 2240 and the proportion of teaching hours in Lecture to Non-lecture shall be 1:2.

8. Total teaching hours for Third (Final) Professional session shall not be less than 2240 and during the Third (Final) Professional Session, three hours of clinical classes at Hospitalduring morning hours shall be conducted and the proportion of teaching hours in Lecture toNon-Lecture hour shall be 1:2.

9. Working hours may be increased by the University or institution as per requirement to complete the stipulated period of teaching and requisite activity.

Explanation -For the purposes of this regulation the expression “Lectures” meansDidactic teaching i.e., classroom teaching and the expression “Non-lectures” includesPractical / Clinical and Demonstrative teaching and the Demonstrative teaching includesSmall group teaching / Tutorials /Seminars / Symposiums / Assignments / Role play /Pharmacy training / Laboratory training / Dissection / Field visits / Skill lab training /Integrated learning / Problem based learning / Case based learning / Early clinical exposure/ Evidence based learning etc. as per the requirement of the subject and in Non-lectures, theClinical / Practical part shall be seventy per cent. and Demonstrative teaching shall bethirty per cent.

10. There shall be minimum of one hour each for library and physical education per week and one hour of recreation (expression of talent and extra-curricular activities) per month has to be allotted in the regular time table of all batches

11. The First Professional session shall ordinarily start in the month of October and the followingsubjects shall be taught as per the syllabus laid down by the National Commission for IndianSystem of Medicine from time to time, namely: -

Subjects for First Professional B.A.M.S

Sl. No. Subject Subject Code Details
1 Samskritamevam Ayurved Ithihas AyUG-SN and AI Sanskrit and History of Ayurveda
2 AyUG-PV Padartha Vigyan Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda andQuantum Mechanics
3 AyUG-KS Kriya Sharira Human Physiology
4 AyUG-RS Rachana Sharira Human Anatomy
5 AyUG-SA1 Samhita Adhyayan-1 Study of Ayurveda Classical Text
6 Electives (Minimum Three) subjects

The Second Professional session shall ordinarily start in the month of April after completion ofFirst Professional examination and the following subjects shall be taught as per the syllabuslaid down by the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine from time to time,namely: -

Subjects for Second Professional B.A.M.S:

Sl. No. Subject Subject Code Details
1 Dravyaguna Vigyan AyUG-DG Pharmacology and Materia Medica- Herbal
2 Rasashastraevam Bhaishajyakalpana AyUG-RB Materia Medica- Minerals & Metals and Pharmaceutical Science
3 Roga Nidanevam Vikriti Vigyan AyUG-RN Methods of Diagnosis, Diagnostic Procedures and Pathology
4 Agad Tantra evam Vidhi AyUG-AT ClinicalToxicology and Medical Jurisprudence
5 Samhita Adhyayan-2 AyUG-SA2 Study of Ayurveda Classical Text
6 Swasthavrittaevam Yoga AyUG-SW Lifestyle Management, Public Health and yoga
7 Electives (Minimum Three) subjects

The Third (Final) Professional session shall ordinarily start in the month of October aftercompletion of Second Professional examination and the following subjects shall be taughtas per the syllabus laid down by the National Commission for Indian System of Medicinefrom time to time, namely:-

Subjects for Third (Final) Professional B.A.M.S:

Sl. No. Subject Subject Code Details
1 Kayachikitsa including ManasaRoga, Rasayana and Vajikarana AyUG-KC Internal Medicine including Psychiatry,Rejuvenative Medicine, ReproductiveMedicine and Epigenetics
2 Panchakarma & Upakarma AyUG-PK Therapeutic Procedural Management
3 Shalya Tantra AyUG-ST General Surgery
4 Shalakya Tantra AyUG-SL Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Oro-Dentistry
5 Prasuti Tantra evam StreeRoga AyUG-PS Gynecology and Obstetrics
6 Kaumarabhritya AyUG-KB Pediatrics
7 Samhita Adhyayan-3 AyUG-SA3 Study of Ayurveda Classical Text
8 Atyaikachikitsa AyUG-EM Emergency Medicine
9 Research Methodology and Medical statistics AyUG-RM statistics

Elective (Minimum Three) Subjects

University, Institution and College shall prepare Academic Calendar of that particular batch in accordance with the template of tentative Academic Calendar provided in theseregulations the same shall be circulated to students and hosted inrespective websites and followed accordingly.

The B.A.M.S. programme shall consist of following Departments and subjects, namely: -

  • 1. Samhita Siddhanta& Sanskrit SamskritamAyurvedIthihasPadartha VigyanSamhita Adhyayan-1, 2, 3
  • 2. Rachana Sharira Rachana Sharira
  • 3. Kriya Sharira Kriya Sharira
  • 4. DravyagunaDravyaguna Vigyan
  • 5. Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana Rasashastraevam Bhaishjya kalpana
  • 6. RogaNidan & Vikriti Vigyan Roga Nidanevam Vikriti Vigyan
  • 7. Agada Tantra Agada Tantra evam Vidhi Vaidyaka
  • 8. Swasthavritta & Yoga Swasthavrittaevam Yoga Research Methodology & Medical Statistics
  • 9. Kayachikitsa Kayachikitsa including ManasaRoga, Rasayanaevam Vajikarana Atyaikachikitsa
  • 10. Panchakarma PanchakarmaevamUpakarma
  • 11. Shalya Tantra Shalya Tantra
  • 12. Shalakya Tantra Shalakya Tantra
  • 13. Prasuti Tantra & StreeRoga Prasuti Tantra evamStreeRoga
  • 14. Kaumarabhritya Kaumarabhritya


1. Electives are introduced in B.A.M.S. curriculum to provide opportunity tostudent of Ayurveda to get introduced, exposed and oriented to various allied subjects that are required to understand and build inter-disciplinary approach.

2. The electives shall be conducted as online programme.

3. Each elective subject shall be of forty-five hours duration and divided in five modulesand each module shall have nine hours i.e., five hours of teaching, two hours of guidedlearning, one hour each for expert interaction/reflection and assessment and in total, eachelective will have twenty-five hours of teaching, ten hours of guided learning, five hours ofexpert interaction/reflection and five hours of assessment (five assessments of one houreach).

[Explanation.- For the purpose of this regulation, Teaching means video lectures, Power point presentations, audio lectures, video clippings, audio clippings, technical images, study material etc]


4. The study hours for electives are over and above the prescribed teaching hours of B.A.M.S. under these regulations.

Clinical training

Clinical training of the student shall start from the First Professionalsession onwards and subject related clinical training shall be provided in the attached hospitalby the concerned faculty and department in non-lecture hours as per the requirement of thesubject as under-

1. During first professional session, clinical training shall be provided by department ofSamhita & Siddhanta and Kriya Sharira through the specialty Outpatient Department(OPD) and Inpatient Department (IPD) where in teachers of the above departments areconsultants and screening OPD; wherein students involve in Prakriti and Saara assessment,practicing of naadi, recording of dosha vriddhikshayalakshanas, measurement of height,weight, calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) etc. activities.

2. Clinical training for the Second Professional session shall be as per clause A (iv) of subregulation of regulation 9 and clinical attendance shall be maintained by the concernedfaculty and department.

Clinical training for the Second Professional session shall be provided in accordance with the requirement of subjects as under-

1. Department of Roganidana will provide clinical training through specialty clinicsand IPD wherein teachers of Roganidana department are consultants.

2. Department of Agada Tantra through VishaChikitsa OPD and IPD.

3. Department of Swasthavritta through swastharakshna OPD and IPD.

In addition, the second professional B.A.M.S. students shall be posted to medicinedispensary to get familiar with prescription patterns, medicine names, forms, dosage,Aushadasevanakaala, anupana, sahapana, method of mixing or compounding ofmedicines etc. Similarly,in IPD nutritional assessment, pathya preparation unit or dietcenter to get familiarize with various pathya or therapeutic diet preparations.

The clinical training(OPD and IPD/Operation Theatre/Labour room/Pancha Karmatherapy room) during the third (Final) Professional session shall be on rotation basis as per the non-lecture/clinicalbatches and in accordance with the clinical/non-lecture teaching hours stipulated for thefollowing subjects, namely:-

  • Kayachikitsa: OPD, IPD and specialty clinics functioning under the department ifany;
  • Panchakarma: OPD, IPD, Panchakarma therapy rooms including preparation room and any other related specialty units or clinics if any;
  • ShalyaTantra: OPD, IPD, operation theater (major and minor), any specialtyunits like sports medicine, marmachikitsa, bhagnachikitsa etc.;
  • ShalakyaTantra: Eye, ENT, dental clinic, kriyakalpa and any other related specialty clinics if any;
  • StreerogaevamPrasuti: OPD, IPD, labour room, procedural room (yoni dhavana,yoni dhupana, yoni pichu, uttarabasti etc.), garbha samskara, and other relatedspecialty clinics if any;
  • Kaumarabhitya: OPD, IPD, pediatric panchakarma rooms and other relatedspecialty clinics if any; and
  • Samhita & Siddhanta: Specialty clinics/units like madhumeha, hridroga, medoroga,sthoulya, asthi& sandhi etc.
  • Teaching staff belonging to the departments other than Kayachikitsa, panchakarma, Shalya Tantra, Shalakya Tantra, Streeroga Evam Prasuti Tantra, Kaumarabhritya, Agada Tantra(VishaChikitsa) and Swasthavritta& Yoga can involve in clinical activities in the attachedteaching hospital and can provide clinical training to students