About LES

Latthe Education Society was established on 13th jun 1951. In order to duly honour late Annasaheb Latthe. This Society was established by fund collected form “Dakshin Bharat Jain Sabha”. Annasaheb Latthe had Shoulder multiple responsibilities as Diwan of Kolhapur State. First finance Minister of Bombay provision, councilor, Professor, Editor & Educationalist.
The head Quarter at Sangli, The Society has grown tremendously & Now it is running as many as 38 educational institution, including Kindergartens, primary schools. High school, Colleges & Professional institutions.
Latte Education Society
1. Shri. Kallappanna Awade (Ex. MP) President, Governing Council.
2. Shri Shantinath G. Kante Chairman. Managing Council.
3. Shri. Adv. P. R. Patil. Vice – Chairman.
4. Shri. Suhas Patil Honorary Secretary.
Our Aims & Objects
- Educate the students from rural areas in Ayurveda Field / Modern Science.
- To provide scientific knowledge of Ayurvedic fundamentals with extensive knowledge and practical training.
- To Research in Ayurvedic Medical Field.
- To increase the health awareness in the surrounding people give them knowledge about the preventive aspect.
Our professional institutions are :
1. Medical | Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College Shamanewadi – Bedkihal. Tal: - Chikodi, Dist: - Belgaum. |
2. Law | Naragandas Sawottamdos Soti Law College Sangli. |
3. Engineering | Latthe Education Society’s Polytechnic Sangli |
4. Computer Science | Smt. Kasturbai Walchand College of Arts & Science Sangli |
5.Agriculture | Krishi Vidylaya Datawad Ghosarwad Tal: - Shirol, Dist: - Kolhapur |
The Members of L.E.Society were thinking to establish a Medical College to educate rural area students, Our institution Started as LES’s Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College in the year 2002 at Bedkihal.